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In these first two videos you´ll see the making of, of one of my illustrations. Sorry but for now the narration is only in Portuguese. I´ll be creating an english version soon. These following videos are not exactly a straighforward tutorial but in fact a tutorial that shows how we can create an image out of nothing having no idea at all at the begining and just go with the flow. In this you´ll find myself getting stuck in what seems impossible dead ends where i almost ruin the illustration and that was the idea behind these videos.

I´ll be posting new tutorials as soon as i have time to do new ones but for now stay

with these old ones that i did a while ago when i was working in several different projects.

To show people which are now begining, how can we get out of creative situations that seem impossible to solve and at the end still end up with a good illustration. There are plenty of video tutorials out there that show you how it´s done -right- and so i wanted to show you a tutorial that depicts all the mistakes a beginer makes and then the person can see how did i got out of those errors without ruining the entire final painting.
Enjoy the videos. English version available soon.



Videos com narração em Português.
English version coming soon.


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